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WEDF Pals | #1 Passion Projects


We are delighted to be welcoming The West of England Design Forum to the Forge with their fantastic design community meet up; PALS.

“PALS (Peer Assisted Learning Sessions) are informal group learning and skill sharing sessions for the design community where we collectively explore a subject. PALS can be insightful, inspiring and sociable. We’ll share our questions, thoughts and experience in small groups (and have a couple of people with expertise to call upon). We’re kicking off 2019 with three sessions”

#1 Passion Projects

January is a great time to embrace something new and maybe address that recurring resolution of doing something you love outside your day job. Join us for the first PALS of 2019 when we talk Passion Projects - from how you make the time to funding and selling your stuff. Be inspired by fellow creatives and use your ideas to inspire others too!

Find out more about WEDF here and here